Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Walking the tightrope of boredom

Want to know what happens when there are only three competitors left on "Celebrity Circus"? They bring back former contestant Blu Cantrell to sing her seven-year old single "Hit 'Em Up Style."

And it sounds like she hasn't practiced singing it since about 2005 ... she sounds awful. I used to kinda of like that song back in the day, but she's ruining it for me.

Then -- because producers have an hour-long show to fill -- we have to watch a bunch of random, professional acrobats perform circus stunts. Newsflash: If I wanted to see this shit, I'd go to a circus.

The reason I watch "Celebrity Circus" to see D-list celebs possibly maim themselves for the sake of reminding people they exist.

(This seems like a perfect place to include a funny quote from my friend, Joshua Hammann. "How can they even judge Celebrity Circus? If they don't fucking kill themselves, they should get a 10.")

The finalists are Wee Man, Stacey Dash and Antonio Banderas. I've gotta be honest: I'm not sure that I care enough to watch 20 more minutes of this crapola, kids.

I'm going to bed.

Kiss, kiss!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You really need to be writing TV stories for me on Why not rip on reality shows and get paid for it?