Monday, July 14, 2008

Beat it, Brett!

Brett Farve saying he's retiring is like me saying I'm never gonna drink again on the morning of a really bad hangover.

Please, Brett. Go away!

(Disclaimer: Sure, he might be a nice man. But I'm a Vikings fan. He should gets to steppin' already, geez.)

It's been a busy day for celeb news. Brad and Angie squirted out a couple more babies. What does that make now? A half-dozen Jolie-Pitts? Er, nevermind. I'm all for healthy babies and all, but I'm not looking forward to the media frenzy that is going to take over. Seriously, someone could find a cure for cancer and it would probably play second fiddle to celebrity baby news.

Also, I just read that Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel called it quits. Boo! That was a vulgar, offensive couple I could get behind. Oh well.

Speaking of break ups, Christie Brinkley said today that she wouldn't marry again. Probably a shrewd move.

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