Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pointed in the right direction...

Summary haiku:
I'm kinda hungry.
But when my jeans fit better
it will be worth it.

I'm a total cliche right now. It's early January and I'm hopping back on the health train after a dwindling commitment. It's not like this is a bad thing, but I just wish it were still a constant part of my life.

For a while, I transformed into a total gym person. I went five times a week for about 90 minutes a day, did cardio and weight training and my pants started getting bigger. Then we got the dogs, and I started walking them more (three miles a day every day, on average) and going to the gym less. What can I say? I like being outside and spending time with my furry pals.

Then fall happened, and it started getting dark earlier. And then it got colder. So, while Lucy and Archie still ripped around the yard together, our walks became shorter and more infrequent. You can probably connect the dots from here.

After a decidedly awful first week of January, I decided I needed some positive things to focus on to help counter the personal problems going on my life. The house, of course, is one of those happy things. (We close on Friday!) And my hubby is a constant source of happiness and support. Love him!

But I've also joined the Weight Watchers cult and now my entire life revolves around Points.

Not because I'm constantly eating. But because it makes you think about your entire day at once. If you don't prepare carefully, you could be fucked and Pointless by dinner time. It's a total reality check.

Things that seem pretty innocuous -- a handful of Goldfish crackers, an occasional Halloween sized candy bar from my boss' abundant dish or two packets of instant oatmeal instead of one -- add up quickly.

So basically, you have two choices: You either commit to this kind of thing whole-heartedly, or you don't. There's no in between.

Shit. This means no more drinking an entire bottle of red wine after a rough day. No more delicious raspberry mochas from Starbucks. Ah well. It'll be worth it in the long run.

Luckily, moving is gonna help on the exercise front. I spent an hour today carrying boxes up and down stairs into our POD, and in the coming weeks will spend countless hours painting the ceilings, walls, doors and baseboards in our new house (burns 241 calories an hour, based on my particulars).

Anyway, not that anyone really needs all this detail. But I figure making this relatively public will help keep me honest and motivated.

Just try to forgive me for any future angry rants. A girl without her wine and Starbucks isn't always pretty.


Anonymous said...

Maisy dear,
You are a fabulous blogger. Easy and entertaining reading. Congrats on the Weight watchers commitment. I am anxious to hear about all your successes.

Liz said...

Way to go on the WW commitment! I have done it three times in my life. The first time I did it, I worked really, really hard and lost 50 pounds! The second time I lost 25, and the third I really wussed out and lost about eight. But the moral of the story is, when you follow it, it works. And it really teaches you a lot about nutrition, which is why I feel doubly guilty when I eat a bag of Cheetos. (Sixteen points for a vending machine bag, last time I checked. NO JOKE!)

I hope the personal stuff gets better ASAP!

Maisy said...

Thanks, ladies. Appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Maisy...I'm now a Lifetimer at Weight Watchers. I've lost about 74 lbs in a year and a half. I did it without the religious working out (don't get me wrong I know it's important but I work full time and have 3 kids!). I made life time last December amazing the week after Christmas. I continued to lose on my personal goal. I now weight less than I ever did in high school and am at the bottom of my range. It's work and commitment but keep with it. There are other yummy drinks from Starbucks btw like skinny Cinnamin Dolce or Gingerbread lattes. Stay clear of the skinny mochas though I heard they're nasty. Keep with it!