Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another dead soldier

... And by that, I mean, another empty paint can (or three): ready to be disposed of.

Today was day three of painting rooms in the new house, and like Ms. P (who also painted her house upon moving in), I think that after this is over, I will never want to see a paintbrush, roller or edger for the rest of my life.

Epiphanies from today:

1. Painting baseboards and trim isn't as fun as using a roller, but I'm really good at it. I found my hidden skills! Turns out, I have quite a steady hand, so baseboards (and edging along the ceiling) have become my jobs. And Kyle is better and faster at rolling, which works out pretty well.

2. Sitting on the floor to paint baseboards will make your lower back hurt. Tomorrow, I will try sitting on one of the dog beds to do this. Tonight, I am with heating pad.

3. Every time I start bitching about how sick I am of painting, looking at the finished rooms remind me it's so worthwhile. OMG, they look so pretty. It looks like a whole new house -- and it feels great that we did it ourselves!

4. Every time I wish someone else could finish the painting, I remember how much the professional painter's estimate was for two of our three floors, totaling 1900 square feet: $3800. Enough said.

One more day of painting tomorrow (ergh), then back to work for a few days.


Liz said...

I remember how I woke up in sweaty pain the night after I spent a day rolling on two coats of paint in my very large bedroom. They felt like they were on fire. Really painful.

Painting my new office, which has walls of at least 13 feet high, on an orchard ladder, was scary as hell. But it sure did look better when I was done. Thank goodness Scott's not afraid of heights.

Lisa Hornung said...

I painted several rooms before moving in almost two years ago and have not touched a paintbrush since.

I'm tackling it this spring, though. Total kitchen makeover, done by me.

It's probably going to suck.