Thursday, January 17, 2008

My uncle is the man

One of these days, I'll think about something other than the new house. And I'm kind of looking forward to that, because it will mean that I'm actually living in it instead of hauling shit over there and prettying it up.

But right now, my uncle Stinky is in town.

(For the record, his real name is Robert and he does not smell. At all. But when I was little, we'd tease each other back and forth. He'd say, "you're a brat!" and I'd reply, "you stink!" And one day I started calling him Stinky and it just sort of stuck.)

ANYWAY, when we had our home inspection, we found out our house was wired with copper wiring instead of aluminum. Apparently, this was fairly common for about five years during the late 1970s, when our house was built.

However, it can be potentially problematic, because when the weather changes temperatures, it causes cause the copper to expand and contract. Over time, this will sometimes cause the wiring to loosen from its connection and be a fire hazard.

So when I called my uncle -- an electrician -- to ask him if we should still buy this house, he said yes, and that he could, and would, easily fix this. So he flew out here from Washington state to do that and to help us move.

My uncle has always been like my dad to me. My own father stopped taking an interest in my life about 25 years ago. Stinky is the one who taught me to drive; helped me apply for student loans; choose a college; move numerous times (even to Illinois and back); figure out my finances; offer emotional support and, well, pretty much everything a father would do if he were around. And more.

I am so grateful for him right now. We've been through a whole lot together, and he rocks.

Off to the new house! Our new dining room set and bed are being delivered at 10:30. Yay!


The Wanderer said...

Awww, that's awesome. I have a couple of very choice uncles (none of whom are named stinky, sadly) and they have stepped in to fill the gaping void that is my father, too. Not that I'm bitter.

Lisa Hornung said...

Sorry, I'm late to this party. But I met Uncle Stinky, although I didn't know that was his name, and he was most awesome.