Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Santa, Volume 2

OK, St. Nick,

It's Christmas eve, and you weren't able to get mom here on Monday. I understand. I know you have a lot to do.

But she's got another plane ride scheduled tomorrow, on Christmas Day. By then, I know you'll be super tired, but you'll also be done with the bulk of your work. So maybe we could give this another whirl.

I just want her to arrive here safely, in one piece. I miss her. That's all I really want for Christmas.

I'm sorry I said the f-word in the other letter. I hope that's not what kept Mom from getting here the first time around. I'll try to clean up my language, if that will help.

Thanks, Santa. Have safe travels tonight!


(P.S. If you have time, it would be great if you could drop by some underwear for Kyle. I just found out that the ones Archie got for him are the wrong size.)

1 comment:

javacia said...

Hey sweetie,

I hope you had a merry Christmas. Let me know if your mom finally made it. Love you!
