Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This is why I don't go camping

Summary haiku:

Ticks: evil little
beasts reside in nature. I
don't need hangers-on.

Anyone who knows me is aware that I'm not an outdoorsy person. Sure, I enjoy mountain biking and hiking and boating and whitewater rafting. But when the activity is done, I want to be back in my house, showering and sleeping in my bed like a civilized person.

I've been camping twice, and they both rank as two of my five most miserable experiences in life. (Others include waiting for my mom to wake up from a coma, getting my wisdom teeth pulled and something else of a more personal nature.)

So imagine my horror when I discovered a tick implanted in my scalp last night. What the hell? I haven't even been outside like that -- where did I pick up this blood-sucking passenger?

Then I realized: It was at the dog park, where there are tons of trees and tall, bushy grasses. The dogs are protected with their Frontline, but me? I was a sitting target, especially when I decided to go frolic with them instead of sitting on the bench, on the big cement patch.

I was totally grossed out and panicking inside, but I think I seemed quite calm. Anyway, we removed the tick, and I'm sure all will be fine. But the top of my head is sore and I'm still totally creeped out by that little motherfucker. *Shudder*

So, here's hoping I don't have Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever! And guess what I bought today? A new ballcap, which I will wear every time I go to the dog park... along with a body condom and 10 layers of Off!

Sorry Mother Nature, but all creatures are not created equal.

(P.S. I don't have a will yet, so if I die, Wendy and Elana can split my shoe collection. Joli, Michelle and Javacia can divvy up my jewelry. I want "Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta" by the Geto Boys played at my funeral, and to be buried with my Tim Gunn bobblehead.)


Lisa Hornung said...

It's a good year for ticks. Bad year for the rest of us. I pulled a tick off my dog George already this year. Lots of moisture equals lots of ticks.

Nasty little fuckers.

javacia said...

Ticks completely creep me out but this story made me laugh out loud even though I'd already heard it in person. :)

p.s. -- I feel very special being included in your online will.

The Wanderer said...

Dude! I'm glad you sent out the myspace message - my computer is not connected to the 'Net (god that looks old-fashioned) and the laptop doesn't have you as a favorite.

But! Crazy! I TOO found a tick on my body last month!!! I was in the shower and found him on my inner thigh. Right near my konichiwa - I was panicked. And home alone. And naked. Huzz!!!!

Anyway, got rid of 'em and every ache I feel is now Lyme disease!