Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lists instead of booze. Let's give it a whirl.

You know, it's hard to stay upbeat and motivated when "one of those days" turns into "one of those weeks." And then months. I'm turning into Debbie Downer and I'm only 2 months into this year.

So in an attempt to pull out of the soul-sucking funk -- at least for tonight -- I'm making a list of things that make me happy. (I'd rather drink, but frankly, I don't need the calories or the hangover.)

1. My husband. After almost 8 years of being a couple, our relationship just keeps getting better. (Too bad he's in Bloomington for work tonight.)

2. My mom. No matter how shitty my days are, she suffers the effects of a traumatic brain injury every, single day. I have no right to complain.

3. Watching Lucy and Archie play tug-of-war and keep away with a rope toy. At least someone is having fun. And related to this, it warms my heart to see Archie's stumpy little tail wag back and forth in a perfectly even line. It looks like a windshield wiper.

4. Friends. I have great friends in Louisville. But last night I spent four hours on the phone with two of my closest friends from home, Wendy and Lisa. It's a nice reality check to talk to people who have known you for 15 years.

5. The Las Vegas trip that fell into my lap. Totally random, but I'm meeting my friend Beth in Vegas in a month. I need something to look forward to right now.

6. My house. It feels good just to say it. MY house. Not a house I'm renting from someone else. Mine, mine, mine!

7. My shoes. I know it's superficial, but shoes always make me feel pretty, even when I don't like the way my clothes are fitting.

8. My determination. Speaking of ill-fitting clothes, they are looking better lately. I've lost 11.5 pounds in six weeks. Probably could have lost a few more, but I had a shitty time last week and splurged on a couple of bottles of wine. And some Girl Scout cookies. But I'm back on the wagon again -- and I'm so fucking tired of baby carrots.

9. Having a sense of humor. If not for that, I'd probably be in a loony bin. Which is where I feel like I belong some days.

Huh. I was shooting for 10 things, but that's all I can really come up with for now -- and that last one was a stretch. I guess it's better than nothing.


Anonymous said...

How about this:

10. I am beautiful, I make people laugh and my friends adore me!

What's going on babe? Congrats on the 11.5 lbs, that's great. I'm off the wagon too and quite frankly need to be back on it. It happens to all of us. Baby carrots suck! Sorry sweetie!

Anonymous said...

I know how ya feel. That's why I also made a blog of little things I love. It's easy to get wrapped up it the crap instead of basking in our joy. 11.5 is nothing to scoff about. It took my leader one year to take of 20 lbs. Slow and steady win the race and with your determination you'll be bikini clad in no time.

Anonymous said...

Hi M! Your list made me smile. Hope you are feeling happier today and you look totally skinny in the picture you posted (in yellow)!

jhawk said...

Hi Maisy,
Buy real carrots and cut them into sticks. They taste much better. I love you.

daniellehornung said...

I'm having a crappy night and stumbled onto your blog after thinking, "I wonder what Maisy's up to".
You helped me remember how good it feels to laugh and how I miss our friendship.
You rock.

daniellehornung said...
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