Friday, December 28, 2007

I have no words...

Summary haiku:
When I die, I want
all my pets to die with me.
Judge Judy outs me.

So, I was sitting here eating my dinner and reading a book, only halfway listening to the TV. But when I heard the madness going down on Judge Judy, I had to shift my focus.

This old man was suing an animal rescue owner because she wouldn't give him back a dog that he'd given up for adoption. Judge Judy put the kibash on that and here's why:

The man in question had been living with an old lady, his companion. When she died, her last wishes were to have her 17 Chihuahuas euthenized and cremated and buried with her in a pet cemetary. (Yes, she herself wanted to be buried in the pet cemetary as well.)
So, this guy did that with 9 of her dogs!

I don't know who's crazier, the dead dog lady or this moron who killed 9 pooches. Anyway, Judge Judy let him have it and I laughed.

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