Labor Day is upon is, and let's be honest: What gainfully employed person doesn't enjoy this holiday that recognizes worker bees? So, in honor of all the little people, we've decided to round up some of our favorite and least favorite TV bosses.
Don't get me wrong. I love to watch everyone on this list... but I definitely wouldn't want to work for some of them.
Tony Almeida, 24
Perhaps the fairest and most good-hearted TV boss I've seen, Almeida tops my list because he's a champion for his employees, and he isn't afraid to stick it to The Man. Not to mention that during season three, Almeida was shot in the neck, slipped into a coma, and miraculously awoke and returned to work a few hours later. Talk about setting an example for work ethic! With a boss like that, there's no way you could call in sick with cramps or a measly ol' flu bug.
Sam Malone, Cheers
With infinite charisma, an easy-going demeanor and great sense of humor, Malone would be really easy to work for. He easily navigated various personalties including spitfire Carla, dumb-as-rocks Woody and neurotic brain Diane. And somehow, he always managed to diffuse Diane/Carla wars with a lighthearted ease. But the true test of Malone's character was determined by the fact that everyone – customers, employees and yes, the ladies – seemed to like him. It's hard not to respect a guy like that.
Gil Grissom, CSI
Sure, his obsession with bugs is a little creepy and he's kind of a know-it-all. But his vast knowledge benefits his charges. For instance, if Grissom has something figured out, he doesn't just tell his employees straight up. Instead, he asks leading questions that enable them to discover answers for themselves. You know, 'teach a man to fish' and all that. He's also understanding when employees have personal problems, yet he doesn't meddle too much in things that aren't his business. His biggest downfall: The icky things he keeps in his office, such as an enbalmed fetal pig, a two-headed scorpion and a tarantula. Um, can we conduct our meeting in the break room, please?
Ari Gold, Entourage
Ari is Vincent Chase's cut-throat agent on Entourage. And Ari's assistant, Lloyd, is one of the most put-upon employees in TV history. Ari is constantly making disparaging remarks about Lloyd's race and sexual orientation, and in general, belittling him to no end. Most of the things he says to Lloyd (and other employees) aren't fit for print, but here's one tame barb he tossed at Lloyd: "You look like Michelle Kwan in drag. Why don't you do a triple axle over to the phone and try Cameron again?" Is there a big enough paycheck in the world for that?
Michael Scott, The Office
At first glance, Michael Scott might seem like an okay supervisor. He's a bumbling, inappropriate fool who cares more about his popularity than he does about any actual work getting done. What other office do you know of where employees spend more time playing pranks and planning parties than they do working? Plus, being around Michael all day would make anyone feel pretty smart. But then you realize, ‘Hey, this guy is making three times what I make and he's a flippin' moron,' which instantly catapults him onto the Worst Boss list.
Maria LaGuerta, Dexter
As the lieutenant of the Miami Police Department's homicide division in season one of Dexter, LaGuerta bullied and intimidated her employees, hogged the media spotlight whenever she could, and tried to steal her captain's job. As a result, she was demoted and replaced by Esme Pascal. In season two, LaGuerta pretended to befriend Pascal, but was really angling to exploit the woman's instabilities -- which were partially due to the fact that Pascal's fiancé was cheating on her. With LaGuerta. Who dumped him the minute she was reinstated as leiutenant. I wonder if season three will reveal that MPD employees all updated their resumes and bookmarked www.careerbuilder.com on their computers.
Kelly Cutrone, The Hills
To aspiring stylists, working for Kelly Cutrone at her fashion/public relations company, People's Revolution, might seem like a dream job. That is, until you actually meet her. When Cutrone hired Whitney, she warned her she was "making a deal with the devil" and insinuated that Whitney would basically never sleep again. Cutrone often berates and humiliates her employees for life-altering mistakes such as wearing too much color or not making a phone call fast enough. Get over yourself, lady. At the end of the day, you deal with overpriced clothes. Can you imagine what a hag she'd be if she worked somewhere important, like a hospital?
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